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#1 . Baiting. They purposely instigate arguments, all the while portraying themselves as the victims of attack. Once they successfully bait you, they feign being victimized, creating a chaotic and bewildering dynamic. This manipulative behavior serves as a means to satisfy their narcissistic supply, leaving those on the receiving end feeling confused and emotionally drained. It is through this elaborate web of deception that narcissists perpetuate their power and control.

#2. Making You Look Crazy. Narcissists intentionally aim to portray you as crazy. They then exploit this fabricated image to exhaust you emotionally. As a result, you find yourself plagued with guilt and constantly apologizing, all the while struggling to comprehend what has transpired. Many readers can relate to the bewildering and manipulative tactics employed by narcissists, leading to emotional turmoil and self-doubt.

#3. Triangulation and Flying Monkeys. They do this by using flying monkeys and triangulation strategies, attempting to pit people against one another. This malicious behavior aims to make you feel isolated and alone, leading to a sense of vulnerability. It’s important to recognize this as a form of bullying, as the narcissist seeks to provoke you and make you compete with others.

#4. Micro Manipulations. These manipulations can be likened to the persistent drip of water on your head or the gradual toll of a thousand cuts. They may seem inconspicuous and minor, making it difficult to bring them up to others who might dismiss them as unintentional or inconsequential.

#5. Love bomb -Devalue-Ghosting Cycle . This destructive cycle known as the “love bomb, devalue, ghosting” cycle starts with an overwhelming display of affection, often referred to as love bombing. However, this is just a manipulative tactic to draw you in. Soon after, they transition into the devalue phase, where they undermine your self-worth and confidence. Ghosting, where they suddenly disappear without explanation, is another common tactic they employ. The cycle continues as they return to love bombing, repeating the vicious pattern. It’s important to note that this behavior is far from what one would experience with a normal person.

We have seen how narcissists are skilled at creating chaos through manipulation and deception and how this can make us feel constantly on edge. But with the right strategies to counter these tactics, you now have more tools equip yourself and protect your mental health. Invest in your own emotional education, lean on trusted friends and family when needed, practice healthy self-care habits, and be intentional about protecting your boundaries. When it comes to volatile relationships with narcissists, don’t give them permission to power over you. You don’t need to carry around their weight on your shoulders anymore – take back control of your life today!

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