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In this blog post, we will delve into and explore the subtle tactics that narcissists employ to devalue and undermine you during conversations. From sudden distractions to one-upping your experiences, these behaviors can leave you feeling invalidated and drained. We all deserve positive and uplifting interactions, so understanding these tactics can help you navigate interactions with narcissistic individuals more effectively and protect your emotional well-being. So, here are the 10 ways narcissists devalue you in conversations. Let’s get into it.

First on this list is: Instant Attacks and Distractions. Picture this: you’re engrossed in a conversation, feeling happy, and suddenly, out of nowhere, they have a headache or some other distraction, momentarily diverting their attention. Narcissists will often interrupt conversations with sudden attacks of pain or distractions, diverting attention away from your words and shifting the focus to themselves.

Number two: Interrupting for Irrelevant Matters. Another tactic narcissists employ is interrupting the conversation to address unrelated issues. They might claim they heard something or need to attend to something momentarily, causing you to lose track of your point. Are you starting to see the pattern? They subtly show that everything seems to be more important than you.

Coming in at number three: Constant Need for Distractions. While you’re discussing something significant, narcissists may abruptly shift their attention to something else. They may become captivated by a song playing or a TV show, prioritizing their interests over your conversation.

Number four: Impatience and Rushing. Narcissists often display impatience, urging you to hurry up and get to the point. They convey a lack of time and make you feel pressured, further devaluing the importance of what you have to say.

Next is number five: Gaslighting Through Tone Criticism. When you finally try to make your point, narcissists may deflect the conversation by criticizing your tone, verbiage, or the way you express yourself. They shift the focus to how you bring up the subject rather than addressing the content of your message, gaslighting you in the process.

Sixth on this list is: Inconvenient Timing. Narcissists frequently dismiss conversations by claiming it’s not a convenient time. They may say they are busy, tired, or surrounded by friends, making it seem like discussing the topic is inappropriate or bothersome.

Next, Seven: Consistent Devaluation Over Time. One common pattern with narcissists is their consistent devaluation of your conversations. They repeatedly find reasons to divert attention, prioritize their needs, or avoid engaging in meaningful discussions, leaving you feeling undervalued and dismissed.

Coming in at number eight is: Lack of Eye Contact. A subtle yet impactful behavior is the narcissist’s failure to maintain eye contact while conversing. They may appear disinterested, distracted, or deliberately avoid looking at you, signaling a lack of respect and engagement.

Ninth on this list is: Playing the Victim. When faced with a question or an inquiry, narcissists may swiftly shift the focus onto themselves by portraying themselves as victims. They deflect accountability and twist the conversation to make it about their supposed innocence rather than addressing the subject at hand.

Finally, number ten: One-upping and Invalidating Experiences. Narcissists tend to belittle your experiences by constantly one-upping them. No matter what you share, they have had more severe pain, trauma, or hardship. This behavior invalidates your feelings and makes you feel insignificant.

Recognizing the subtle ways narcissists devalue you in conversations is the first step toward protecting yourself from emotional harm. By understanding these tactics, you can set healthier boundaries, maintain your self-worth, and choose to engage with individuals who uplift and validate you. You deserve to be heard and respected in every conversation you have.

Remember, today is absolutely the best day to start negotiating your best life. They only win if you give in, I’ll see you in the next article.

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