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Rebecca's Personal Divorce Story

Rebecca's Personal Divorce Story

Rebecca Zung understands firsthand the challenges of divorce and the rewards that can come from breaking free of a bad marriage. Married at 19 right out of high school and mother to three children by the time she was 23, it did not take long after they were born for Rebecca to realize that she had made some bad choices that were making her life financially and emotionally very difficult. Her initial response was to earn a college degree and begin teaching.

Several years later however, when Rebecca was 30 years old, her marriage fell apart and she found herself in full survival mode. After considering her options, Rebecca enrolled in the University of Miami Law School because she believed that a career as an attorney would provide her and her young family with financial security. Rebecca taught during the day, went to law school at night, studied into the wee hours of the morning, and tended to the needs of her children.

Although this time in her life was extremely stressful given all the competing demands on her time, Rebecca never regretted her decision to end her marriage and to begin creating a new, more rewarding life for herself and her family. In fact, she felt exhilarated; her self-confidence was at all all-time high; and she had never felt more powerful. It may be no coincidence therefore that it was during this time in her life that Rebecca met her current husband, John Clough, who is also an attorney. Happily married for many years, Rebecca and John are partners in the Law Office of Zung Clough, PLLC and have one child together.

“There is a redemptive power in knowing that you have a choice – that you can decide what your future will look like and how you will make that future happen. The recognition that you can take control of your life and your own destiny is a powerful thing. My own divorce story is an example.“

— Rebecca Zung
Buy Rebecca’s Book!
Breaking Free book
Breaking Free: A Step-by-Step Divorce Guide to Achieving Emotional, Physical & Spiritual Freedom