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Narcissist’s 5 Favorite Love Bomb Sayings

I will be sharing with you the kind of things narcissists say when they’re preparing to Love Bomb you. So, if you suspect you’re in a relationship with one, this article will help you to take back control and shift the power dynamics, whether it’s romantic or business, this is the one for you.

It’s interesting how all these narcissists seem to have the same playbook. It’s as if they all went to a Narcissist’s Academy to learn these same tactics and tricks. Typically, they are quite the charmer and appear quite the incredible person at the beginning. They know how to present themselves so that you will be swept off your feet. Come to think about it, no one is going to run into the arms of who is hurtful and vindictive if they were not charming, charismatic, or delightful to be with initially. No one would throw themselves into a hellish relationship like that. Narcissists however are well put up. They are well-groomed and polished. So, you need to be careful.

Number one: “We’re soulmates. Where have you been all my life.” Narcissists will use this to make you believe that they are the person you’re supposed to be with and that you are the one for them. There’s no one else on this planet you were meant to be with but this person right here. They will chalk it up to destiny or fate. Everything in life has aligned for this sole purpose. Sadly, people do fall for this kind of thing. People do believe this. Call it the Maguire thing; That “you complete me” idea.

Number two on this list is: “We’re perfect for each other.” Narcissists will start looking for things that you might have in common. Even if you find out down the road that you don’t have anything in common. And I’m not talking about having the same preference for chocolate ice cream or anything trivial like that., I’m talking about big things. Things like their idea of spirituality, family, personal history, and such. And one of those things that people tend to forget about narcissists is that they are inclined to mirror. They will present themselves as something that you want to see. It’s all smoke and mirrors. They’re painting you an illusion.

Third on this list is “Let’s get married right away.” Or “Let’s move in together right away.” Sometimes it can happen in a span of a few months from meeting each other, Heck, I’ve seen this happen in just a matter of days. It’s so unreal. Narcissists are in a hurry to lock in on that relationship. They will do everything they can to put themselves within the frames of your life. They will even ask to meet your family or kids so soon. This type of love-bombing phrase should make your hair stand on its ends. And as good as it feels, to have someone tell you how amazing, gorgeous, handsome, beautiful, intelligent, or smart you are, know that this is a massive red flag and should be taken as a warning sign.

We have number four coming up next. “I’ve never met anyone like you before.” They will tell you how unique and incredible you are. This is them telling you that you are the exact person for them and no one else even comes close. They will tell you that no one else understands you as they do and vice versa. They will tell you that you were made for each other. Like a bolt to a nut. It’s the Maguire thing all over again. Take this as a warning sign and don’t be a nut.

Finally, we get to number five. It happens so quickly, so fast, and it’s overwhelmingly inappropriate. They’ll tell you “I love you.” I’ve heard narcissists that will say “I love you” to people before the first date even takes place. They will claim that they just know that you are the right one. They just know. If you’ve been wounded due to trauma growing up or due to past relationships, and you just want to feel love and be loved by somebody so badly, I understand how this might feel like. It’s will feed your hunger for affection…for love. I know that it feels so good to have someone come along and say you’re all the things that you’ve always wanted to be for somebody. That you’re gorgeous, you’re smart, that you’re special, and to finally hear someone tell you that you matter, that they see you, and that they want to be a part of you, it just feels so right. How can anyone not want that? The problem there is that although it feels good when it started, they’ll rip it out of you just as fast. And as good as it may feel in the beginning, it feels so much worse when the abuse starts that it’s just not worth your time, energy, health, relationships, finances, and so much more.

We must recognize and know these things from the get-go and be cautious of people who say these things. Although it feels good, you’ll need to resist this drug and say “No” to this type of grooming. When this happens to you, you need to recognize what’s going on and tell yourself that this is not for you. You deserve a healthy relationship.

If you’re dealing with something similar in your life right now, you are not alone and it’s not too late. There’s no better day than right now to start negotiating your best life. You can do this. They only win if you give in.

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