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7 Reasons the Narcissist Hates You

You want to know why narcissists just seem to hate you? Now, let’s explore the reasons why narcissists often seem to harbor intense animosity towards certain individuals. It’s almost like they have a love-hate relationship with you. During my personal experiences with some of them, I’ve noticed that they can be quite unpredictable. Sometimes, they may seem to want you around, but at other times, you sense an underlying rage and hatred directed at you, leaving you puzzled.

The root of this hatred often lies in their overwhelming jealousy. Narcissists can’t stand to see others succeed or achieve greatness. I vividly recall dealing with one narcissist who could barely muster a congratulatory response when something positive happened in my life. Their envy and jealousy of your success can lead them to develop a deep animosity towards you.

Another contributing factor to their animosity is their profound insecurity. While they may be content with people liking you, they become intolerant if others start favoring you over them, especially in situations where you share a close bond, such as being a couple or business partners. Their lack of self-esteem and fear of being replaced can trigger intense jealousy and resentment. These emotions create what seems like an inexplicable and paradoxical love-hate relationship with narcissists. Understanding these underlying reasons can help you navigate and cope with their behavior more effectively.

So, that’s one of the reasons they can absolutely hate you. I remember dealing with a narcissist who struggled to express even a modicum of happiness for others’ achievements. Their jealousy of your success can be overwhelming, leading to their dislike.

Number two, they are extremely okay with people liking you, but they have an issue when others start liking you more than they like them. This is particularly true in situations where you are a couple or maybe in a business partner arrangement, or something along those lines. They might initially like you, but if it reaches a point where it appears that others prefer you over them, they become uneasy. Their deep insecurity becomes evident, and they struggle with a lack of self-confidence. They fear being excluded from the situation and losing their place in it. As a result, they become very jealous when others show more preference for you than for them. That’s the second reason.

Number three, narcissists have a significant issue with anyone else receiving attention or accolades, not just limited to you. If they see someone else being recognized or rewarded for their achievements, they become extremely uncomfortable. It could be a colleague, a friend, or anyone else who receives praise or acknowledgment for their good work or accomplishments. They simply cannot tolerate someone else being in the spotlight. They become resentful and question why others are being noticed and rewarded. Whether it’s a prestigious award, recognition for a job well done, or any form of attention given to someone else, narcissists despise witnessing others’ success and achievements.

Furthermore, they feel intense jealousy when others excel or achieve great things. Whether it’s someone getting into law school, excelling in their career, or accomplishing remarkable feats, narcissists cannot stand to see others doing well. They are deeply envious of other people’s accomplishments and success.
This jealousy extends to situations where others receive attention in any way, apart from themselves. For instance, they dislike holidays and birthdays because these occasions typically involve others being the center of attention. Narcissists crave the limelight and feel threatened when they are not the focus of everyone’s attention.
When the spotlight shifts away from them, they react with pettiness and childish behavior. They seek to regain the attention they feel entitled to, becoming sulky and acting out in various ways.

Fourthly, they hate when you’re not paying attention to them. Also, they don’t like it when you start to feel more confident in yourself or experience an increase in self-assurance compared to your past self. Whenever you begin to feel better about yourself, they become jealous or threatened by your progress.

The fifth one is they have a strong dislike for individuals who possess the confidence or life they desire. They feel intense jealousy towards those who have anything they want in life, be it the feelings they crave or the self-assurance they lack. Witnessing someone else having what they covet triggers feelings of insecurity and jealousy within them.

Number six is related to their perception of betrayal, which can be triggered by almost anything. It doesn’t necessarily require an actual act of betrayal; they can simply decide that you betrayed them over the smallest things. For instance, having a casual conversation with someone at a party or passing the salt to a random person at a dinner party might be enough for them to see it as a betrayal.

Narcissists tend to view things in black and white, and they categorize people as either being for them or against them. If they perceive you as being against them, you become Public Enemy Number One in their eyes. Thus, any action or event that they interpret as a betrayal, regardless of its significance, becomes a major issue for them.
They despise the idea of betrayal and take it very personally. The feeling of betrayal intensifies their feelings of anger, resentment, and a desire for revenge. Their deep need for control and validation makes them extremely sensitive to any perceived disloyalty.

In conclusion, narcissists see the world in extremes, and they have a strong aversion to anything they consider a betrayal, even if it’s something trivial or unintentional. It’s crucial to be mindful of their fragile egos and be cautious about how they interpret your actions to avoid triggering their feelings of betrayal. This awareness can help navigate interactions with narcissists more effectively.

Lastly, number seven may surprise you because narcissists hate themselves, and in some weird subconscious way, they kind of hate you too. This feeling intensifies, especially if you’re in a romantic situation with them. If you love them, they may almost kind of disrespect or hate you.

Those are the seven reasons that narcissists hate you. If you find yourself negotiating with a narcissist, make sure you don’t do it alone. You should grab the free “Crush My Negotiation Prep Worksheet” at winmynegotiation.com. Additionally, consider joining my free private Facebook group at “Narcissist Negotiators with Rebecca Zung.”
Dealing with a narcissist can be the fight of your life, so don’t handle it alone. There are tools available, and they are free. Support is also available, so take advantage of it.

Remember that knowledge is power. And by understanding these behaviors, you are on the path to reclaiming your own power and break free from these toxic relationships. Alright, so keep going, you deserve to be in a healthy, nurturing relationship that uplifts you, that nurtures you, and it empowers you. And remember that you are worthy, you’re worthy of respect, you’re worthy of love, you’re worthy of happiness, and trust your instincts to set boundaries and prioritize your own well-being, your own happiness. And you have the strength to overcome any challenges that come your way.

For more ways to shift the power dynamic against the narcissist in your life check out my free masterclass right here: http://icanslay.com

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