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Hi, I’m Rebecca Zung—an attorney, author, and expert in negotiating with narcissists. My expertise lies in helping individuals transform their approach and become empowered negotiators when dealing with narcissistic personalities.
Let’s delve into the six behaviors that narcissists often exhibit toward the end of a relationship. It’s crucial to recall that narcissistic relationships follow three phases: love-bombing, devaluation, and discard. These phases aren’t strictly sequential; narcissists frequently oscillate between them. For more in-depth information on each phase, feel free to explore my articles.

As the relationship nears its end, narcissists ramp up their efforts. They initiate what’s known as a smear campaign as the first in the list, which can be subtle. Long before the relationship collapses, they might plant seeds of doubt, like discussing a partner’s supposed drinking problem. When the relationship eventually crumbles, they exploit these planted ideas to their advantage. Their skill in orchestrating smear campaigns is remarkable. Even if they foresee the relationship’s demise, they initiate the smear campaign preemptively. Narcissists thrive in a black-and-white world of winners and losers, craving validation and portraying themselves as faultless.
Next comes their strategy of rallying “flying monkeys,” enlisting allies to propagate their distortions. They orchestrate a smear campaign, leveraging third parties to isolate and discredit their target. This often makes the victim feel ostracized and beleaguered, as the world appears to align against them.

Thirdly is financial manipulation. Narcissists may sever credit card access, withdraw funds, shift money discreetly, or even alter ownership details. While these actions may be reversible, they still reflect poorly on the narcissist and can work against them in legal proceedings.

The fourth tactic involves assigning blame to the partner. Narcissists adamantly paint their partner as the cause of the relationship’s downfall, financial struggles, or other difficulties. This tactic seeks to absolve themselves of any responsibility. Employing guilt trips, passive-aggressive maneuvers, and gaslighting tactics is their fourth ploy. Covert narcissists especially excel at guilt trips, exploiting emotional vulnerabilities to manipulate their targets.

In a surprising twist, narcissists might engage in last-minute love-bombing and this is the fifth one on our list, they will attempt to salvage the relationship. They may promise change, attend counseling (even if they initially resisted), and make grand commitments. This behavior is often a desperate attempt to regain control.
Lastly, they employ an overwhelming approach. Narcissists inundate their target with appeals, whether by revisiting positive memories, asserting their good deeds, or casting blame on the victim for various hardships. Their aim is to incapacitate rational thought and create emotional turmoil, making it difficult for their target to respond effectively.

If you recognize these 6 patterns, remember that you’re equipped to resist their tactics. Being part of my community means you’ve subscribed, liked, shared, commented, received my negotiation prep worksheet from winmynegotiation.com, and joined my “Narcissist Negotiators” Facebook group. Your journey towards empowerment and self-respect continues, and I’m grateful to have you here reading my articles.

Dealing with a narcissist can be the fight of your life, so don’t handle it alone. There are tools available, and they are free. Support is also available, so take advantage of it.

Remember that knowledge is power. And by understanding these behaviors, you are on the path to reclaiming your own power and break free from these toxic relationships. Alright, so keep going, you deserve to be in a healthy, nurturing relationship that uplifts you, that nurtures you, and it empowers you. And remember that you are worthy, you’re worthy of respect, you’re worthy of love, you’re worthy of happiness, and trust your instincts to set boundaries and prioritize your own well-being, your own happiness. And you have the strength to overcome any challenges that come your way. Stay strong, and I’ll see you in the next article.

For more ways to shift the power dynamic against the narcissist in your life check out my free masterclass right here: http://icanslay.com

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